Wednesday 29 December 2010

The Big Year End Rebalancing (29 Dec 2010)

As I promised, I have rebalanced my own personal portfolio just today, and now there will be a big piece on it. Rebalancing is actually a pretty personal thing, because everyone’s portfolio will look different. But the basic concept is to take profit from the funds which have done well, and invest into the funds which are underweight.

But first, just a few tips on rebalancing. Don’t look at your previous portfolio first. First, take a blank piece of paper, and imagine that you were starting out afresh! If you had no historical baggage, regrets, etc holding you back at all. Say you simply had X sum of money to invest into a brand new portfolio, how would you do it?

With that in mind, I jointed down some of the allocations I wanted to have in this 2011 portfolio of mine. It worked out to this:

Let’s focus just on the cash portion, which made up the bulk of my investments. These totaled $395,500. The kind of asset allocation I was looking to have in 2011 looked like this:

Type%Amount ($)
Core Equities
Total (cash)

I wanted to take profit from equities, but I remained overweight equities relative to bonds. Thus, instead I turned to the alternative investment space to park some of my profits.
My Bonds Portion Allocation would look like this:

Type%Amount ($)
Global Emerging Market Bonds
US High Yield Bonds
Asian High Yield Bonds

My Regional Equities Portion would look like this

Type%Amount ($)
US Small caps
Europe emerging
Latin America
Asia small cap

As can be seen. I remain overweight on Asia, though I have now moved US and Europe back to a more reasonable weightage within this portfolio. And Emerging Markets play a big part in my core equity portfolio as well (made up of Asia, Latin America and Emerging Europe).
My Supplementary equity portion would look like this:

Type%Amount ($)
South Korea

As this part showed, my favorites remain Technology and Taiwan. Singapore gets 20% because of pure home bias. Russia is my hedge against high oil prices, which are a risk to Asian equities. China is simply too big and important to ignore, though the fact that its valuations now are really attractive is a big plus point as well.

Now that I have envisioned what it should look like. Then it’s a matter of adjusting my portfolio to look like this 2011 envisioned portfolio. So, I line my existing portfolio alongside the new one, and I see what I have to adjust. Small adjustments, I leave out since a $500 or $1,000 adjustment to a $400,000 cash portfolio won’t make much of a difference, and I see how I can make the adjustments with the minimum amount of switching possible.

Having said that, it still required a fair bit of adjusting. So, I will cover what I adjusted, along with why I did it.

Actual Actions taken on my portfolio.
CPF portion of portfolio – left untouched.
Comments: This part was easy. As mentioned above. There are a limited choice of funds within this space, and I generally don’t make much adjustments even in the long term. So I left this part untouched.
Bond Portion of portfolio
1) Switched 3611 units or $5200 from United GEMs bond fund into Fidelity US High Yield Bond.
2) Switched 2083 units or $3000 from United GEMs bond fund into Fidelity Asian High Yield USD Bond Fund.
Comments: I did not add to my bond portion, though I planned to take profit from my equity portion. Instead, I shifted money from global emerging market bonds to my two high yield bond funds. I think currency played havoc on some bond fund returns in 2010, but I expected it to be slightly less volatile in 2011. In any case, the Euro remains a large question mark, hence I am still avoiding Europe bonds in 2011. High yield and emerging market bonds, though riskier, still remain the best bets within the bond universe because their yields are higher, which would buffer them against inflationary pressures increasing interest rates in 2011.

Alternatives Portion of portfolio
3) Switched 5099.78 units, or $23,000 from Aberdeen Pacific Equity into Man AHL Trend
Comments: This marks the first time I am going into alternatives. I remain bullish on equities, but rebalancing meant I should take profit. But I was reluctant to add more into bonds. So, I looked into Alternatives investments space to park my equity profits. The Man AHL Trend fund was one with a very low correlation to equities, and would cushion any unforeseen shocks to equities market well. I took profit from my Asian equity fund (Aberdeen Pacific Equity), as it had done very well this year, and even though I remained bullish on Asia, I was simply far too overweight in it.

Supplementary Portion of portfolio
4) Switched all of Aberdeen Indonesia Fund into Fidelity Taiwan (about $9,881)
5) Switched all of HGIF India Fund into Fidelity Taiwan (about $5,864)
6) Switched 2,468 units (or $10,614 ) of Aberdeen Singapore Equity into Legg Mason Royce US Small Caps Fund
7) Switched 7092 units (or $6,600) from Lionglobal Korea to Parvest Europe Alpha EUR
8) Switched 7092 units (or $6,600) from Lionglobal Korea to BNPP1 Opportunities USA
9) Switched 2193 units (or $3,200) from Henderson Global Technology to BNPPL1 eq Emerging Europe.
Left Russia and China funds untouched.

Comments: After looking at the adjustments required. I realized that I would be doing two things. First, I would be cutting down the funds I had in my supplementary portfolio (I had too many), and I would be channeling profits here into my regional equity portfolio. As a result. I sold off my Indonesia and India fund completely. These had done very well, but the valuations for these two countries were now higher than I was comfortable with. That Indonesia had been one of the top two best performing markets two years in a row made it unlikely it would fare so well in the third. Both were switched into Taiwan, which is our favorite market for 2011.

I took profit from Singapore, and placed it into US. I also realized I had added too much to Korea during the year 2010, and though I still liked the market, I had to trim it, and so I did, shifting parts of it to Europe and US. Similarly, I had fallen too much in love with Tech, and though I am still very bullish on it, I trimmed it and shifted part of it to Emerging Europe.

Core Regional equity portion of portfolio
10) Switched 9170.81 units (or $14,765) from Aberdeen Asia Smaller Coys into Legg Mason Royce US Small Caps Fund.

Once all the other actions were taken. There was little left to be done in my regional equity portion. Effectively, I had taken a chunk of profit from Asia and put it into the Man AHL Trend Fund. I had also put back profits from my supplementary portfolio into this portion. The main focus on this part, was to increase the weightage in Europe, in US, and to trim down on Asia. All my prior actions had already done most of this. So, all that remained to do, was to shift part of my Asia smaller caps into US small caps. The US small cap fund from Legg Mason is a new addition to my regional equity portfolio. While I recognized that I was far too underweight on US, I wanted a heavy tilt towards small caps because I feel that 2010 will see small caps do well as they play catch up to the large caps. Thus, I added to this fund.
With that, I am now rebalanced and well positioned for 2011. Have a happy new year everyone. Here’s to a great year for funds in 2011!

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